Syringa Palibin


Common Name: Dwarf Korean Lilac

Blooms profusely at an early age. Fragrant blooms cover this plant in May reddish purple in bud opening lavender. Mildew-free and heat tolerant.

A compact, low-spreading cultivar which typically grows 4-5’ tall with a spread of 5-7’. Pale pink, sweetly-fragrant single flowers arranged in dense, terminal clusters (panicles to 4” long) cover this shrub with a profuse bloom.

Fragrant: Yes
Zone: 3 – 7
Height: 4-6′ tall
Width: 5-7′ wide
Deer Resistant : Yes
Attract: Butterflies
Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Time: Spring
Flower Color: Lavender
Leaf Color: Green
Fall Color: Green